Sunday, May 30, 2010


May 30, 2010 By Stephen Ellis

Every time I think I’ve seen just about all there is to see regarding UFOs, something new pops up: NASA has what is called the SOHO imaging system. This photo system is designed to photograph the solar flares and hydrogen storms on the surface of our Sun by blocking out the light of the sun (for the most part) and allowing us to see what’s going on near the edge of the Sun…where the temperature is approximately 11,000° Fahrenheit. It doesn’t take much imagination to realize that if rock melts at about 2,000° F, anything we know of would be vaporized in milliseconds at 11,000°. I repeat: anything we know of…

So, when the SOHO imaging system reveals several moving…and orbiting…things almost touching the surface of our Sun, it raises more than a few questions. Don’t take my word for it, Google “UFOs near our Sun” and look at some of the many videos taken by NASA. There are some U-Tube videos with commentaries available as well.

There seems to be at least three or four round objects orbiting our sun next to the surface of the sun. Compared to the size of the Sun, these objects appear tiny…but in fact they are about the size of the planet Earth. Additionally, there also appear to be a multitude of smaller objects that travel at very high speeds that disappear into the Sun’s corona and many objects (about the same size) that seem to be leaving the Sun’s corona and venturing into space. NASA has photographed these things with time lapse photography so their movements can be easily be followed by video viewers.

What are they? Why don’t they burn up? How can anything we’ve seen or even theorized about dip into the corona of the Sun, then back away and eventually move into outer space? Make no mistake about it…these objects, whatever they are, are actually there.

The first logical explanation is that there must be some sort of material we do not know about on Earth that can withstand the temperatures on the surface of the Sun. If so, wouldn’t that be a great material to use in making spacecraft? Able to withstand the incredible heat of friction at light-speed travel? Able to re-enter our (or another planet’s) atmosphere without burning up?

Now let’s look at another possibility…perhaps not quite as logical…but, nevertheless, a very real possibility: What if those objects are man-made? By “man” made I mean non-Earth beings with vastly superior intelligence and manufacturing capability. It’s a little far-fetched, but should not be dismissed too quickly:

Let’s suppose that you were a super-intelligent form of life and wanted to observe things in our solar system: where would be the best place to hide and still be able to send scouting ships out to visit and view what’s going on? Even in the vastness of space, the light from the sun and nearby stars would probably reflect off of your space craft, and thus be seen. It would probably be far better to stay hidden behind the brightest possible light. Someplace where the brightness of that light would be so bright as to not allow anything near it to be seen…such as our Sun. Could this be the place where UFOs originate?

I’m not saying that this is the definitive answer, but when you study UFOs you must keep an open mind. There are many anomalies that are still unexplained. There are any number of authenticated videos that show UFOs releasing numbers of smaller UFOs that fly in formation and then scatter apart. Later, these smaller ships return to what appears to be a mother ship.

Even the largest UFOs that we have seen are like tiny specks compared to the ones appearing in the NASA-SOHO imaging photos.

I have often said that I have great difficulty in believing that inter-stellar travelers have traversed the incredible vastness of space to visit our Earth. But what if they don’t have that far to travel? What if they’ve been there for centuries…or millenniums and are just waiting…waiting for something to happen?

If you have any ideas, please e-mail me at

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