Monday, August 30, 2010


August 29, 2010 By Stephen Ellis

There are very few people in this world that have never heard of Jesus Christ. The religion of Christianity has more followers than any other. Yet, very few of even the most ardent Christians know anything about Jesus Christ except what has been written in religious histories (The New Testament). It is important to understand that religious histories are not noted for their accuracy. If you read the Koran, the Mongolian Bible, the Zoroastrian Bible, the Greek or Russian Orthodox Bibles, etc, you will get a completely different picture of the man we call Jesus Christ and of the times in which he ostensibly lived.

If you believe most scholars and historians, they will tell you that a man named Jesus Christ never existed! The central character in “The Greatest Story Ever Told”…the baby born in the manger in Bethlehem, found by the three wise men, was not given the name Jesus or Jesus Christ. If you choose to believe the “Greatest Story…”, the baby would have been born “Joshua” son of “Joseph”. In those days, only the wealthiest or most prominent families used a first and a last name, and the name of the mother was, most often, omitted.

So then, where did the name Jesus Christ originate?

Again, according to most scholars and historians, the name came from two Greek words , “Jesus Christos” which, translated to English, mean “Holy Savior”.

The Book of Isaiah in the Old Testament, Chapter 14, verse 7, states that a Messiah of the Lord will be born on Earth…and his name will be Immanuel. Belief that a Messiah would soon be born to save the world was rampant in the Middle East. Many religious leaders claimed to be the prophet of the coming Messiah. Their groups of followers believed in the coming of a Holy Savior…and thus identified themselves as “Christians”. Religious leaders of the day such as John the Baptist, Paul the Rabbi, Peter the Fisherman, Matthew, Thomas, etc. all claimed to be prophets of the coming Messiah. The belief of their followers was so strong that several of these groups lasted for hundreds of years.

But the numbers of followers grew fewer as time passed. The groups calling themselves “Christians” were weak and spread-out throughout the Mediterranean area.

Like many minority groups they became the subjects of bigotry and were often used by the wealthy for entertainment by putting them in an arena with hungry lions.

Shortly before 300 AD a minor incident took place that changed the history of the world. A teen-age Roman soldier called “Constantine” was wounded in battle and thought he was going to die. Like his father and most Roman soldiers he was a worshiper of the Sun God “Ra”. Constantine asked his father if there was not some Religion that would forgive him for having killed so many others in battle. His father brought back two people calling themselves “Christians”. They were gentile people and told Constantine that if he accepted the concept that a Messiah was coming, all his sins would be forgiven. Constantine did not die and he never forgot the promise of those two Christians.

History tells us that Constantine became the most powerful Emperor in the Roman Empire, but that his throne was always in danger from assassins. Even his own son tried to kill Constantine and claim his throne. So Constantine developed a plan: Rather than allow his Senate, soldiers or other claimants to his throne to challenge his power, Constantine decided to make some non-violent people the heir to his throne…and he remembered the Christians.

There was a problem: There were about ten different groups calling themselves “Christians”, but they each believed in a different prophet. So Constantine ordered his armies to pick up the leaders of each group and had them meet in Nicaea, France in 326 AD. Constantine made them a proposition: Get together! Unite your beliefs! Agree to one and only one prophet or symbol of your religion and Constantine would make Christians the most powerful group in the Roman Empire. Fail to do this and Constantine would “look the other way” when Christians were persecuted.

The Christian groups at Nicaea could not agree that one of the prophets they believed in would be ranked above any of the other groups’ prophets, so after weeks of haggling, they all agreed that they would create a brand new prophet and all of the current prophets they followed would become the disciples of the new leader.

Even better: they had all been expecting a Messiah for more than three hundred years. What if He had come and had not been recognized? To give the united Christians strength in their beliefs, they decided that he must have come…326 years earlier. They didn’t have a name or an identity for Him, so they met in conference and created Him.

There was no problem in giving the new Messiah a name, Jesus Christ. But, to be credible, there had to be a history to back-up their claim. So, in the name of each of their prophets, a book was written telling of the wonders of the Messiah and documenting the miracles attributed to him. So, in Nicaea in 326 AD, the “New Testament” and “The Greatest Story Ever Told” were born.

Constantine helped the Christians and ordered that all histories of Rome being written from that day forward included mention of the new Holy Savior. They gave him a birth date of December 25 (because that’s what they believed was the date when days started to get longer…we now know the date to be December 22nd). Since the son of God could not be born to a normal woman, they fashioned the idea of the Immaculate Conception.

Constantine could not change the histories that were already written and well-read by Romans. For example, “The Governance of Judea Palestina Jordana”, written by the then Roman Governor of the territory, Pontius Pilate, could not be changed. Scholars often note that Pilate never mentions a Jesus Christ or a Joshua, son of Joseph, in his written history. Pilate does talk about Peter, Paul, John, Thomas, etc. Histories written after 326 AD not only mention Jesus but say that Pilate was the one who ordered Jesus’ crucifixion.

Constantine’s plan worked. Constantine lived to a ripe old age and died a natural death. Christians became the most powerful religious force in Rome and were given the key jobs of teaching schools and religion throughout Rome. Constantine provided the funds to build churches and imposed an additional tax on all Roman citizens who did not accept Christianity.

At least, that’s what he scholars say.

Do you have an opinion? Write me at or visit my website at Stephen Ellis

Sunday, August 22, 2010


August 22, 2010 By Stephen Ellis

For some reason, there have recently been an uncommonly high number of articles and supposed eyewitness events concerning haunted houses, haunted commercial establishments and the like. While this is interesting, I suspect many readers may not even know what is meant by a “haunting”. Surely all of us have heard about haunted houses and maybe, when we were kids, stood outside some gloomy looking place afraid to go in. The brave kids may actually have entered such a house and left abruptly when there was some weird sound inside.

So let’s take it from “scratch”: Haunted houses are places where ghosts seem to inhabit.

Are there such things as “ghosts”? And, if so, what are they? Why do they pick some particular place to hang-out?

Ghosts exist! There are millions of claims regarding ghosts and haunting. That’s a pretty high number of people to call “liars” or “delusional.

Ghosts are the energy of people who have died who for some reason (and we’ll talk about the possibilities) have not gone to the usual place dead people go. When someone’s body dies, the energy that was that person’s mind or aura does not die. Most people who have died and come back to life (yes…there are many such people) seem to suggest that they went to a place like Heaven…or a free-floating world…or to someplace where they saw other ghostly energies waiting to be reborn. Speaking of being “re-born”, there is absolutely overwhelming evidence that reincarnation is a fact of life.

Ghosts are never something to be feared. They were people, just like you…only now they do not have a body. If the energy that was a person is still alive, that energy may not want to go to the places mentioned above and may prefer to remain where they lived or where their life was abruptly ended. When this happens, we say that the place the energy decided to remain is “haunted”.

The person whose energy is located in a specific place usually decides to remain there for one of several reasons: 1-They do not believe or are not willing to accept that their body has died. 2-The person, when alive, may have been someone who built that house and does not want to let go of it. 3-The person whose energy has remained in a house may be because their life was ended abruptly there and they still do not understand their abrupt death. 4- The person who died may want to remain there to watch over those who are still living.

There can be many other reasons, of course, but what makes a place haunted is the fact that the dead person’s energy is still there.

What can a ghost do? Not much! The energy has no body. It has no larynx…no vocal chords, etc. So if it tries to talk, it’s going to sound like a super-faint whisper. That’s why ghost-chasing organizations use equipment to monitor the faintest of whispers. Can it harm you physically? Of course not. It has no body to do any harm to anyone.

Can it affect you mentally? That’s a good question: Energy has a way of permeating your own energy and it can put thoughts into your head. It can make you think you are hearing sounds or voices that are really not there. It can make you think you are seeing someone who is not there…at least until your own energy chases out the intruding energy. That’s how I was able to see the exact image of a girl who was murdered in an apartment I was renting, but then as I became more awake, the image disappeared. It is safe to conclude that your own energy, the energy that comprises you mind/aura has been with your body since birth, can always override any foreign energy that may have entered your mind. Ghostly energy may be able to (temporarily) take over the mind of a child, but in both the long and the short run, ghostly energy cannot harm you. It may give you some strange dreams when you sleep…but that’s about all it can really do.

How do you get rid of a ghost? You talk to them! For some reason, still inexplicable to me, the energy in your body can both see and hear without an optic nerve or an ear drum. This has been verified thousands of times by people who practice astral projection. So, If a ghost can see you and hear you, the usual, most successful, way to rid a house of a ghost is to speak to them; tell them they are dead; that they no longer own the property they are haunting, that you now own the house and you want them gone, etc. This seems to work almost 100% of the time.

If you’ve had some ghostly experiences, I’d like to hear about them. Write me at If you’d like to learn more about ghosts, visit my website at

Stephen Ellis

Friday, August 20, 2010

Music and the Mind

August 15, 2010 By Stephen Ellis

Ever wonder why a song will just pop into your mind for no apparent reason? I’m not talking about a song you may have just heard on the radio. I’m talking about a song you may not have heard for years and years. Even lyrics that have long been buried in your mind will suddenly pop into your head while you’re sleeping…while you’re busy doing something else. It usually happens without warning.

I’ve wondered about this, too and I’ve been trying to give it some thought: I based my thoughts on the fact that music is an international language. It is a way of communicating when language isn’t there. Some music makes you feel happy; some makes you feel sad…and some music brings back long-forgotten memories.
It just seemed logical to assume that music did not permeate my mind for no reason. Perhaps someone, somewhere was trying to communicate with me….send me a message. But “who” and “why”?

One of the unique things about music is that it is almost, invariably, connected with someone. Not the recording artist, but people you know…or more likely, knew. Music…songs…usually remind you of people and places past.

For example: I’m already in my late seventies (where did all the years go?), so it might seem strange for some songs to enter my head that I haven’t heard for more than sixty years…yet, pop-into-my-head they do…and even the lyrics were there. One night, shortly after my brother died, I started hearing songs I sang around a campfire at a summer camp in Connecticut. There was no question in my mind that the only person I knew…someone who was there with me when we learned those songs…was my deceased brother. Was my brother trying to communicate with me from the after-life world? I went over and over the lyrics of these camp songs to see if there might be a message contained in them, but all I was able to come up with is that they were very happy times…happy memories. Perhaps my brother was trying to tell me that, wherever he was, he was happy and all was well.

This is a pretty far-out theory, and it certainly is not based on anything forensic. Still, if you put a lot of things together, maybe it does make sense: Our thoughts are energy. Energy knows no bounds, so it’s quite likely that thought energy is everywhere around us…in our atmosphere…in our minds. It’s the thing that makes us inwardly recoil when we meet some people for the first time and find ourselves attracted when we meet others. It’s the thing that makes us very uncomfortable when we enter some places and very relaxed when we enter others. It’s also what memories are made of.

Readers of my blogs know that I feel strongly that communication with the dead is extremely rare and, in fact, the only cases I could ever verify occurred within hours after an unexpected death. The logic is simple: A ghost no longer has a real body; it does not have vocal chords or a larynx, so communication with it in a normal fashion simply cannot exist (I am not a fan of John Edwards, James Van Praagh or anyone else who claims to be able to communicate with the dead).

But thoughts and energy do not die. They will continue as long as there are people.

I’m suggesting that, just “maybe”, music that simply pops into your head for no apparent reason may have entered your mind because someone else’s energy is trying to communicate with you. Maybe it’s the lyrics or maybe it was the surrounding ambiance when you first heard that music.

Certainly it’s worth thinking about.

Write me at I respond to all communications.

Visit my website at

Monday, August 9, 2010


August 7, 2010 By Stephen Ellis

More than any other single topic, I get a lot of questions about what is known as “cold readings”. The topic has been discussed before, but I believe it’s time to go into greater depth and detail as to how cold readings are used to defraud the public.

Cold reading is simply a technique of saying something general that sounds extremely personal. Of course, it’s got to be said with sincerity and most cold-readers are excellent actors. An obvious example might be: “I sense that there is a very important woman in your life who has recently crossed over to the other side (meaning that she died). More than ninety percent of people can identify with this: a mother, a daughter, a grandmother, an aunt, a close friend, etc.

Now the cold reader attempts to get a little more personal: “You both had deep feelings for each other.”

The cold reader is watching your every reaction like a hawk. If he notices the slightest nodding of the head or smile, or even a glance in another direction, he/she will pursue it further. If he notices a slight shaking of the head, he will move onto a different track. The secret to a good cold reading is not the reader, but observing the person being read.

A common approach is, “I sense the letter “M” associated with this person. (The letter “M” is the most common letter in names and it can also apply to “mother” “Mr” “, etc. and to family names like “Missy”. The best way for me to explain it is to set forth a common cold reader’s technique:

Cold readers will make statements that are seemingly directed at you, but actually apply to ninety percent of all people. For example, read the next three paragraphs and try to imagine hearing them from a very sincere-appearing stranger using a crystal ball, looking at the palm of your hand or dealing out a deck of tarot cards:

“Some of your aspirations tend to be pretty unrealistic. At times you are extroverted, affable, sociable, while at other times you are introverted, wary and reserved. You have found it unwise to be too frank in revealing yourself to others. You pride yourself on being an independent thinker and do not accept others' opinions without satisfactory proof. You prefer a certain amount of change and variety, and become dissatisfied when hemmed in by restrictions and limitations. At times you have serious doubts as to whether you have made the right decision or done the right thing. Disciplined and controlled on the outside, you tend to be worrisome and insecure on the inside.

Your sexual adjustment has presented some problems for you. While you have some personality weaknesses, you are generally able to compensate for them. You have a great deal of unused capacity which you have not turned to your advantage. You have a tendency to be critical of yourself. You have a strong need for other people to like you and for them to admire you.

People close to you have been taking advantage of you. Your basic honesty has been getting in your way. Many opportunities that you have had offered to you in the past have had to be surrendered because you refuse to take advantage of others. You like to read books and articles to improve your mind. In fact, if you're not already in some sort of personal service business, you should be. You have an infinite capacity for understanding people's problems and you can sympathize with them. But you are firm when confronted with obstinacy or outright stupidity. Law enforcement would be another field you understand. Your sense of justice is quite strong.”

The above is a basic example. If some stranger, representing himself as a psychic, said these things to you, you might wonder how this stranger knows so much about you.

There are numerous cold-reading techniques specializing in supposed communication with the dead; pretending to give you a psychic reading or using tarot cards, tea leaves or astrolgical charts to tell your fortune.

Not all cold readers are frauds…but, by far, most of them are.

If you’d like more information of cold reading, please contact me at and visit my website at

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Peter Hurkos - Genuine Psychic

July 31, 2010 By Stephen Ellis

My apologies for not writing a blog last week. My wife and I were in NYC on vacation. We had a wonderful time, and writing a blog for the week simply slipped my mind.

Of all the famous psychics I have heard about (Edgar Casey, Elizabeth Montgomery, Rasputin, etc.) perhaps the most deserving of fame was Peter Hurkos. The reason I say this was because Peter, by taking my keys on his hand, pulled out many long-forgotten memories from me. I do not profess to be an expert on cold readings, but I’m fairly knowledgeable about them…and this was no cold reading. Not even close.

Hurkos has been credited with solving many police mysteries, the most famous of which was the case of the Boston Strangler. He’s also been credited with solving several other famous cases. One of the lesser known cases (but yet most impressive) was locating the body of a seven year old girl in Amsterdam who had disappeared. She had fallen into one of Amsterdam’s innumerable canals and had gotten tangled in some weeds. Hurkos directed the police to the exact spot the body was found.

Albert Einstein once said that for every person with a special gift or skill, there will be a hundred people of mediocrity who will fight to the death to put-down that skilled or gifted person and belittle him. In the same vein, Hurkos has many people dedicated to minimizing his unique skills. There are those (including Wikopedia) that allege Hurkos never allowed himself to be scientifically examined except once at the University of California…which test was ridiculous, impossible and totally unworthy of the scientific minds at the University of California..

The truth is that Andrija Puharich, MD, a noted physician and researcher of ESP was so impressed by the stories about Hurkos that he invited Hurkos to the USA in 1956 to study what seemed to be Hurkos’ unique psychic abilities under laboratory conditions. Hurkos was studied at Dr. Puharich’s Glen Cove, Maine, medical research laboratory under what Dr. Puharich considered to be very tightly controlled conditions. The results convinced Dr. Puharich that Hurkos’ psychic abilities were far greater than any he had ever tested (before or thereafter) . . . a remarkable 90% accuracy. After two and-one-half years of testing Hurkos, Dr. Puharich said, “I am convinced that Peter Hurkos, is the greatest of anyone I have ever tested as a psychic. His abilities are so far reaching, that he hasn’t even scratched the surface of what he can do with his abilities and mind."

Peter Hurkos, like most people, was primarily concerned with making a living and supporting his family. He often said that his mind was like a TV set that turned itself on and off and he did not always know when his psychicl TV would turn “on” or “off”. This became a problem when he was signed to do a weekly TV show. He never knew when his mental TV screen would be operating, so when his mental TV was “off” he resorted to his “showman” and “cold reading” techniques. But even on his weekly TV show, sometimes the screen would turn “on” and he revealed precise things about people in the audience that no ”cold reading” technique could possibly produce.

Hurkos gave those of us that research the paranormal a significant insight into psychic powers. The so-called TV screen is not always “on”, but the fact is that it does, sometimes, turn “on”, and when it does, we have one of those inexplicable things called psychic phenomena. Even the studies at Duke University have confirmed that the same person who fails their psychic tests on Monday may pass them with flying colors on Tuesday.

Tell me about your psychic experiences. Stephen Ellis