Sunday, September 20, 2009



My request to have psychic detectives contact me really must’ve struck a responsive chord: I received eleven e-mails from people who told me that they either “are” or “have been” psychic detectives. To me, the most interesting aspect of all the e-mails was that none of them came from the USA. One of them came from Germany, one from France, three from India, two from what is best described as the former Soviet Union, one from Mexico, one from Australia and two from South America.

Apparently, my blog is read world-wide, but not here in the USA.

I responded to all of them asking for more detailed information, but only two have provided the additional information I requested. In each case I wanted to know whether the respondent was currently working as a psychic detective; whether they were working with a particular police department; at what age were they when they first began to recognize their psychic abilities and if they had ever any other psychic experiences such as astral projection or communication with the dead.

The reason I wanted more information is because there are so many people claiming to have psychic abilities that really don’t have them. I felt if they had ever, successfully, worked with a police department or were currently being consulted by the police, it would be a strong indication that they were genuine. And, if they were genuinely psychic, I would like to write about them in my new book giving details on how they learned of their psychic abilities and how they work (my new book, still untitled, should be ready for publication sometime in 2010). Psychic abilities seem to work differently for every psychic with whom I have spoken.

None of the psychics with whom I have spoken has ever been able to use what is called “precognition”: the ability to accurately look into the future and foresee some event. Most of those whom I have met, need to touch something. It can be as simple as a set of keys, a wallet, a piece of jewelry, a toy, a piece of clothing, etc. Somehow, from that touching, images are created in the psychic’s mind.

If we think about it, this gives us a strong clue as to what psychic ability really is; I’m not suggesting that I “know” anything for certain, but it does seem to indicate that inanimate objects can bear memories. I know it sounds absurd to believe that the ring you wear on your finger or the shirt on your back can recall incidents that happened when you were wearing it, yet the evidence strongly suggests that it’s very possible.

The incident I had in San Francisco where a ghost of a murdered girl appeared in my bedroom….could have been that the walls of the room where she was murdered remembered the incident and brought that memory to my mind/aura…and that’s what I saw.

Walls bearing memories? Why not! If personal items can bear memories, why not other inanimate objects? It would go a long way toward explaining why most ghosts seem to prefer to hang around the house where they died. And, there seems to be another factor: inanimate objects seem to prefer to remember very dramatic incidents…things like murder or near tragedies. I remember when the psychic, Peter Hurkos, made my knees wobble while holding my keys, the things he talked about were my brother’s nearly life-ending automobile accident and how he pulled me (as a child) from the railroad tracks as a train approached. He spoke about the tragedy of my son nearly dying. He didn’t talk about my work or my love-life…only the things that would best be described as “dramatic” incidents.

Isn’t it true that most of the “lingering” ghosts…ghosts that have hung around for years and years…were victims of traumatic deaths or an unexpected termination of their life?

I’m not saying that this is the definitive answer…but it certainly does bear further investigation. It may also help to explain how it is that psychic detectives have achieved such a remarkable degree of success in recreating crime scenes, in locating kidnapped persons, etc.

Write me and tell me if any of your experiences with ghosts followed an unexpected, sudden, death of that person.

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