February 28, 2010 By Stephen Ellis
Take a good look at the above photo. It’s not a very good drawing…perhaps the type of drawing a child might make. Clearly it depicts a person in a space suit, what appears to be a UFO or flying saucer and what appears to be a space-type worm hole.
What makes it particularly interesting is that it was drawn on a cave wall approximately 3,000 years ago!
A group of anthropologists working in a remote area of India very recently made this startling discovery: Prehistoric cave paintings strongly indicative of aliens and UFOs. The images were found on cave walls hidden deep within a dense jungle in the Hoshangabad district of the state of Madhya Pradesh.
If you look closely at the drawing, the UFO appears to be either beaming something up or something down to the surface. The worm hole is particularly interesting as it has only been in the past fifty years that our astronomers have recognized worm holes in space. It could be that whoever helped to make this drawing was trying to tell us how he/she/it was able to traverse the vast distances of outer space to get to our Earth.
Most people tend to believe that UFOs started in 1947 when a military pilot saw something strange in the sky and described it as “skipping along like a saucer”. The truth is that UFOs have been seen, and written about since the earliest of writings (about 400 BC) and even before that, there are pictures drawn on cave walls dating back to 45,000 BC.
I’ve previously written that the first chapter of the Book of Ezekiel described a visit by a UFO and aliens, and most readers have laughed it off. The fact is that a professor of Biblical Studies at Michigan State University, in 1957, set out to specifically disprove the theory that Ezekiel was visited by a UFO…and concluded that the UFO theory was probably correct.
Have we actually been visited by aliens? Let’s examine a few facts:
If you look at the sky through a telescope or even a pair of powerful binoculars, you can detect that the planet Saturn has rings around it. But how would someone in about 4,000 BC see those rings? Yet on a cave in Ecuador, a cave drawing dating back approximately 6,000 years clearly shows our solar system and Saturn…with rings around it. The Solar System drawn showed ten (not eight) planets and tied Venus and Earth together with a line. Interesting?
The Great Pyramid of Giza (Egypt) has some fascinating measurements: An Egyptian inch is equal to 1.0025 of our commonly used inches. Ten Egyptian inches are called a “cubit”. Each base unit of the Great Pyramid is exactly 365.2422 cubits. The number is precisely the same as the number of days in a year. The Pyramid’s perimeter correlates with the circumference of the Earth. According to Professor Piazzi Smith, multiplying the 35th layer by ten derives the distance from the Earth to the Sun. The ratio of the height to twice the base is “pi” 3.14~. Either the Egyptians had some remarkable “ahead of their time” mathematicians, or someone taught them something.
Look at Nazca in Peru: There are numerous drawings of sacred animals and what looks to be an ancient air strip. What makes these things interesting is that they can only be seen from a perspective high above the Earth. The fact that Nazca is a plateau, 8,000 feet high makes us wonder is these immense carvings weren’t make to be appreciated by someone or something in the sky. From the ground level, all you can see is ditches.
The fact is that there have been regular UFO images from Australia since 8,000 BC in Aborigines cave drawings; from Sumeria (also cave drawings) since 4,000 BC; from China since 3,000 BC (referenced in a book “Memories of Sovereigns and Kings” published in 300 AD); from Peru since 2,000 BC; in written literature; and in classical art. Many of the old masters’ paintings concerning Jesus and the Holy Trinity have had things that can only be identified as UFOs painted in the background.
What do you think about the above picture? Let me know. Write me at Stebrel@aol.com