Thursday, April 15, 2010


April 11, 2010 By Stephen Ellis

My column is a couple of days late this week. Between the property taxes and in the income taxes, I haven’t been able to come up for air. I’ve been giving a lot of serious thought to a subject I haven’t really talked about in detail, but I’ve read quite a bit about:

Science tells us that we all have little buffers that surround our brains. The basic purpose of these buffers seems to be to help the brain handle stress. These buffers are composed of amino proteins. They are still unexplained, medically, but they do seem to be vital in limiting us to the perception of five senses: taste, touch, sight, sound and smell.

The brain is an extremely sensitive part of our body and these buffers also act as a kind of shock absorber or cushion so that when we bump our heads, we don’t damage our brains. Of course, a severe blow to the head can and does damage these buffers and the brain they are trying to protect…sometimes with predictable results…and other times with very strange results.

For example, when Peter Hurkos (the famous psychic), fell off a rooftop in Amsterdam (during WW II) and landed on his head, he should have been killed. In fact, the buffers around his brain were damaged beyond repair and even the slightest blow to his head could have been lethal. Instead, it made him psychic. His brain became sensitive to the thoughts of others…and, sometimes, to the thoughts of dead people.

Remember, the dead have no bodies. They have no vocal chords. They are pure energy. The only communication with them (if any) is via thought, and very few of us have brains sensitive enough to pick up on these energy-based thought patterns…except psychics. Psychic detectives use that sensitivity to locate the missing people’s bodies, to re-visit crime scenes, etc.

The problem, of course, is in knowing how to control that sensitivity. It’s one thing to have damaged buffers in your brain. It’s quite another to know just how that increased sensitivity will work…or even “when” it will work. My guess is that it works best when the brain is asleep and the buffers are not trying to fight-off things it doesn’t want the mind to perceive. When a person dreams!

That’s why most psychic detectives will get their visions when they sleep. They will sleep close to a photograph or an article of clothing of the dead person and get their visions in a kind of dream. But, because they have trained themselves to do so, they can remember enough of the dream to make notes when they awaken.

Maybe these thoughts are kind of far-out, but not so far out that they are not possible.

There are a lot of people who claim to be able to see ghosts. Of course a ghost is pure energy, but some people claim to be able to see a misty shape or a dark shadow that can be identified as someone. Very few people can make this claim (without being institutionalized), but what about photos?

There are lots of photos of and videos of ghosts. How is it that the camera often sees what we do not see? One logical answer is that cameras do not have buffers to limit their sense of perception. I’m quick to understand that photo shops and double exposures can explain many of the ghosts appearing in photos and videos…but there are an impressive number taken by people of position and prestige who would be extremely unlikely to photo-shop something.

There are other questions that we will discuss later, such as where do ghosts get the clothes they always seem to wear?

Got an opinion? Write me at

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