Sunday, February 1, 2009

Deja Vu

By Stephen Ellis

Nobody asked me, but…

Most people I’ve met or corresponded with have had what we call “déjà vu” experiences: For no particular reason, you start to think of someone you haven’t seen in a long time…and suddenly the telephone rings…and it’s that person. You’re walking down the street and, for no particular reason, you start to think about someone…and the next minute when you walk into a store…there that person is. You feel something has happened to a person you know…and you find out that it’s true.

You visit someplace you’ve never been before and yet you feel strongly that you’ve been there before…sometimes you even know where things are located in a strange city.

These are some of the things we call “déjà vu” experiences. The term is a French one meaning “seen before”, but common usage puts it together with a lot of other paranormal experiences. I use the term “paranormal” because there is no “normal” explanation for them. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, 70% of all people have had déjà vu experiences. Here are some examplesof my déjà vu experiences:

When I was all of sixteen, I took a train from NY to New Orleans to start attending Tulane University. I had never been there before and, other than knowing it had a Mardi Gras holiday every year, I knew nothing about the city. Yet, when I arrived at the train station, I had the feeling I had been there before. Everything was familiar. I even turned down an unmarked hallway because I knew I would find the Western Union office there and I wanted to wire my parents and let them know I had arrived safely. They told me at the Western Union office that some pranksters had taken down their sign directing traffic to them that morning…yet I knew where their office was located.

A few years later, I was walking east on 50th Street in Manhattan (NY) approaching 6th Avenue (now called Avenue of the Americas). For some reason, I started to think about a girl I had dated a couple of years earlier named Joan S. In my mind, I saw her wearing a yellow dress with a large floral pattern on it. About a minute later, when I reached 6th Avenue, walking north, towards me, on 6th Avenue was Joan S. with a girlfriend. She was wearing a yellow dress with a large floral pattern…exactly as I had seen her in my thoughts. Considering the hundreds of people walking on 50th Street and on 6th Avenue and the tall buildings which prevented my seeing 6th Avenue, there was no possible way I could have seen her. I was “spooked” by the incident.

About ten years later, I was at home in Los Angeles , when I started to feel very uneasy about my brother. I tried to call him in Chicago, but could not reach him, so I called my father in NY just to see if everything was alright. When I asked about my brother, there was a long pause, and then the question, “How did you know?” It turned out that the day before, my brother had been involved in a near-fatal automobile accident, and my father was getting ready to fly to Chicago when I called.

How do we explain these things? Certainly there is no “scientific” explanation for them.

In previous blogs, I have talked about our “aura”: that electromagnetic field that surrounds all living people. I have talked about “astral projection” where the aura seems to leave the body and has an existence apart from your body such as in the case of Joe. W. visiting an office on a different floor of the medical building while he was unconscious and under the influence of nitrous oxide; I have talked about the experiment with Sasha K. where he read a word in a book 3,000 miles away.

These two instances of astral-projection (there are thousands more) give a pretty strong indication that the aura can be separated from (and return to) the body it surrounds.

Let’s take it a step further and look at the possibility that a “portion” of the aura can leave the body and return while the body is still functioning normally. For purposes of this blog I’ll call it the “roving aura”. There’s a lot of evidence to support this and, hopefully, we’ll discuss it often in the future.

Certainly that would explain the familiarity I felt about the train station in New Orleans although I’d never been there: My “roving aura” had gone there, in advance of my arrival, and sent back images to my brain. It would also explain how I happened to see Joan S. wearing the dress she was wearing when visual contact was impossible. It would also explain how I knew that something bad had happened to my brother.

Let’s look at some possibilities: If “roving auras” can move around, they would certainly not be hampered by friction and could move anywhere they wanted in a matter of seconds. When a “roving aura” encounters a familiar aura, both auras could bring thoughts of that encounter back to both brains…so you suddenly start thinking about someone at the same time they start thinking about you. Thus my first experience in Paris, France brought the image of the Grand Ballroom of Louis XIV to my mind. But, as mentioned in an earlier blog, my aura had been to that ballroom before and it came back to my brain with thoughts of music that had been played there and people that had been there.

Please don’t misunderstand me. I’m not saying that this is the only possible explanation, but it is one that works with everything my blogs discussed in the past…and science offers no explanation at all.

Let’s look at the few facts we know to be true: Every human being is surrounded by an electromagnetic aura (photographed with infra-red photography). This aura does not die when our bodies die (again, photographed with infra-red photography).

We don’t know for sure what happens to our aura when we die…but it fits nicely with everything I do know that it finds another body to surround (usually a newborn). This offers a very plausible explanation for such things as Bridie Murphy or the girl who spoke an outdated French dialect fluently although she never studied French, and millions of claims of reincarnation.

Another very important thing to remember is that our aura cannot be seen, touched, smelled, tasted or heard. It is out the range of the five senses that guide our lives. Therefore, the place it exists must be in a dimension different than the one in which we live. And, if there are other dimensions, it opens up a plethora of possibilities to explain things that science makes no attempt to explain.

If you agree with an increasing number of people that this blog is interesting and worth reading, I need for you to write to me at Facebook or at and tell me of things you have experienced. Your input is essential.

As I said, nobody asked me…

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