Sunday, April 5, 2009

More UFO photos


By Stephen Ellis

Nobody asked me, but…

It continues to amaze me how many people I speak with who are still in complete denial as to paranormal phenomena. They didn’t teach about things like UFOs or ghosts or different dimensions in school, so the majority of people refuse to believe their existence. I wonder how many centuries it took before man finally acknowledged that he was living on a little ball in space suspended by…nothing. People are slow to accept facts that their teachers did not teach them. For example: it wasn’t until the last two hundred or so years that people realized that light could be created without using fire…or that crystal-appearing water could contain deadly germs…or that it was really possible for man to fly, etc.

Please understand that I am not a UFO “freak”: I don’t belong to any UFO societies or clubs. But common sense tells me that in the more than two million sightings reported that there must be some degree of truth to the reports. Maybe 99% are made-up stories, but that still leaves 20,000 genuine sightings. Then, too, with the improvement in photography and the ability to see something and photograph it within seconds, even at night, there have been thousands of photos depicting UFOs. Again, even if 99% are fakes, that means that 1% are genuine.

Personally, I tend to discount photos that seem to concentrate on a UFO as if the UFO posed for the photographer. Computer graphics can make anything appear real in a photo, so you have to look beyond the photo to the integrity…or intent…of the photographer. Even the O'Hare airport UFO photos that caused such a sensation were, admittedly, fakes. Now take a good look at the photos above:

In the photos above, it makes sense to me that a tourist was taking a picture of San Francisco’s City Hall as any tourist might do on a clear Sunday morning. As is often the case, using a digital camera, you take two or three photos and then use only the best one. The photographer didn’t see anything until he put the pictures on his computer to look at them. On the second photo, he saw what looked like a “speck” in the sky, so he tried to blow it up. The result is pictured above. Even to an untrained eye, it looks like a UFO. It doesn’t look like a helicopter or an airplane (no wings or tail), and it moved much too fast for it to be a blimp. It wasn’t there in a photo taken a few seconds earlier or in a photo taken a few seconds later.

To me, it doesn’t fit the pattern of someone “faking” a photo to get publicity. As I have often said, “If you do not believe, no amount of proof will convince you. If you do believe, no proof is needed.” Some people won’t believe UFOs exist if they went for a ride in one.

All I ask of my readers is that they do not shut the door to their minds. The evidence is overwhelming that there are objects flying around in our skies that defy known explanations. So, instead of living in denial, we should assume that there is “something” out there and ask ourselves some intelligent questions: “What are they?” “Where do they come from?” “Why has our (and other nations’) governments tried to conceal the evidence?” “Do they pose any danger to us?”, etc.

It’s important to keep an open mind, but I have found nothing to support the claims that there is really a super-secret subterranean base beneath the Archuleta Mesa near Dulce, New Mexico or that our military keeps evidence of alien beings there or that the so-called super-secret Area 151 in Nevada also plays host to alien ship wreckage. One thing about the military: they can keep secrets very well, but sooner or later, military men get discharged…and I think if anything really existed like the UFO conspirators say, at least one discharged military man would have written a book about it and sold it for a few million dollars. Just look at how long people have been discussing the alleged Rosewell, New Mexico incident although it has been disproven many times. If someone really had any proof, it would have made international headlines.

It is very difficult for me to believe that UFOs are ships belonging to extra-terrestrials. If any ships “could” or “did” negotiate the vast distances in space seeking other life forms, the most natural thing would be for the pilots (or remote operators) to seek “contact”. There have been claims of unexplained objects in the sky for a hundred years…and no known attempt at “contact”. Accordingly, it does not make sense to believe these craft are piloted by alien creatures. If they are alien craft, it makes more sense to believe they are operated via remote control…but considering the vastness of space, even at the speed of light (186,000 miles per second) it would take years for a home base to send a signal to a remote near Earth. So, I also discount remote control operation of the UFOs.

Previously, I have written that I believed these UFOs are objects that are from a different dimension that have, somehow, slipped through cracks in our dimensional fabric. Recently, two highly prestigious researchers, Dr. Jacques Vallee and John Keel, have tended to agree with the conclusions I have espoused for years and have stated their belief that certain places here on Earth have cracks in the dimensional fabric which are portals to another dimension(s). This still stands as the most rational explanation I’ve seen. It would explain the lack of contact because there is no known way that things from one dimension can communicate with or contact things in another dimension. It should also allay any fears about something from another dimension being a danger to people on Earth.

It is my hope that in the future some innovative researchers, who have kept their minds open, will find a way to make contact through the dimensional barriers.

If you've ever seen a UFO or had any questions about them, tell me about it. Contact me at

As I said…nobody asked me.

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