Monday, April 27, 2009

Writing About the Unexplained

By Stephen Ellis

Nobody asked me, but…

A few readers have commented that, sometimes, what I write goes “over their heads”: that I become too technical and far-out when I talk about things like excerpts from “Einsteins Time/Space Continuum” or things like the “String Theory”. This saddens me because I genuinely appreciate readers who take the time and effort to tell me what they think, and I feel like I may be letting them down.

To all of my readers I want to apologize when some of the things I write are difficult to understand. Please write to me and I will try my best to explain things in a clearer manner.

Also, please try to remember that I’m dealing with paranormal and other unexplained things that rocket scientists have been unable to explain. Unfortunately, the world we live in is very complicated and there are no simple answers available to such obvious questions about our daily life: Why our Earth keeps spinning at the same rate in space where there is measurable friction; Why doesn’t our rotation slow down like a spinning top?

O.K….granted that there is not that much friction in space, but there is enough friction to slow down the movements of our satellites and send them crashing back to Earth. You would think that after billions of years, even a little bit of friction should have, logically, slowed us down. Apparently, it hasn’t.

If you think that explaining things we live with every day is tough, try explaining things that aren’t apparent…like ghosts, UFOs, psychics, astral projection, etc. Far more intelligent minds than mine have tried to explain the “whys” and “wherefores” of paranormal things. There are explanations, but sometimes those explanations get very complicated.

I’m not suggesting that I have all the answers. All I have are “theories” that seem to fit with what little we do know. My theories tend to explain much about our world that even rocket scientists can’t explain, but there are no guarantees that my theories are correct…nor even that someone else may not come up with different ideas that are better than mine, that work even better and explain even more.

If you’re looking for simple answers, you won’t find them. Yet, most people want simple explanations. That’s why religions of all sorts and varieties are so popular:

The doctrines that every religion wants us to accept offer simple answers to very complex questions that everyone can understand. We are here because God placed us here. He created the world in six days and on the seventh He rested, etc. I’m not trying to put down anyone’s religious beliefs, but the fact is that things are more complex than that. Belief in the doctrines of any given religion creates more questions than answers: Where was God during the Holocaust? Why is He allowing the genocide going on in Darfur or the slaughter of Christians in Lebanon? Which version of the Bible is truly God’s word? Why hasn’t God answered my prayers? Did Jesus really walk on water? Did Noah really build an arc and save two of every species on Earth? Etc., etc. etc. Every religion has simple, easy to understand, answers.

Yet, who among us has not, at some time, questioned whether there really is a God? Who among us has not, at some time, questioned the writings in the Bibles? When we question the writings in our Bible, we tend to look and hope for other, simple, explanations of things. If we continue to question the religious doctrines, society tends to think of us as a “rebel”.

When we do not find easy-to-understand answers outside of the Bible, most people tend to “give up” seeking explanations and return to their religion. When they do return to their religion they will be joined by many others who have undergone the same search and found no answers. There is an important degree of “comfort” when you become a part of a group that accepts the same things you accept. It becomes insignificant that the things you have agreed to accept are without explanation or historical documentation. People in that religious group will offer you love and respect because you accept the same over-simplified answers that they accept…and “love” is a vital thing to humans.

The word “love”, to me, is one of the most powerful words in the world. Why do we “love” our children? Why don’t we simply cast them out onto the street after they’re born? Animals, far less advanced than humans, love and nurture their young…then set them free to live on their own. Humans love and nurture their young far longer than any other species of animal that inhabits the Earth. In fact, a primary drive of all humans is to seek love and acceptance from others. “Love me (accept me)” for what I am; “Love me (accept me)” for how I look; “Love me (accept me)” for what I have achieved; etc.

One of the major keys to the rise of Christianity was the belief “Jesus loves you”…just the way you are and no matter what you’ve done. And, if you “believe”...All your sins of the past can be washed away. Jesus will accept you into his realm of Heaven no matter what your life on Earth has been like.

Far be it from me to refute that beautiful concept. I am neither an agnostic nor an atheist. I am a seeker of truth and I believe the truth, rather than beautiful stories, will lead us to the real meaning and understanding of life: to the Nirvana we all secretly want.

Like everyone else, I want to be accepted. If what I write is not understood, then I am not being accepted. Often, my explanations can’t be simple because we’re talking about things very few people understand…mixed with a lot of falsified reports. I do try my best to write in a manner that everyone will understand, but sometimes it just isn’t possible. I genuinely appreciate it when someone writes to tell me what they think even if what they believe is opposed to what I’ve said and/or not complementary to me.

Write me. Maybe I will have a “simple” answer to your questions.

As I said…nobody asked me.


~~Silk said...

Sending you a smile............paitr

~~Silk said...

Oops - the "paitr" was the verification word. I don't know how it ended up in the comment.