Sunday, January 3, 2010


January 2, 2010 By Stephen Ellis

A reader posed an exceptionally insightful question that definitely needs to be answered: The reader asked, when we die, do we (our spirits) go into the light or remain Earthbound?

Actually, this is a very poignant question that should concern everyone. The immediate and truthful answer is “I don’t know and I won’t know for sure until it’s time to add my name to an obituary column.”

However, there are a lot of clues:

Based on interviews with almost one thousand people who have had “near death” experiences and those who have actually been declared “dead” for up to one hour, the “death” experience is somewhat universal: Almost all those who have died (and returned) or nearly died say that the first thing they felt was effortlessly traveling into a long tunnel with a bright light at the end of it. Some people with strong religious beliefs have added they saw a figure (Jesus?) at the end of the tunnel. Others have said that when they reached the light they saw deceased members of their family who told the (nearly) dead person, they must go back…which they did.

Some scientists have claimed that this is merely an hallucination created as the blood stops flowing to the brain. To me, this scientific explanation is utter nonsense. People who have been declared medically dead for five minutes, ten minutes…one hour, etc. have certainly not had blood flowing to their brain for quite some time. But their minds are still working. This tends to confirm what I have published many times: The mind and the brain are two totally different entities. I can’t explain how it is that some people whose flow of blood to their brain has stopped for more than one minute have come back to life without any apparent brain damage…but facts are facts.

I have communicated with numerous people who, under hypnosis, have remembered past lives. While each case is different, there are some common factors coming out of past life experiences. Many such people seem to remember the experience of dying; remember their funeral and what happened subsequently. A very significant percentage of them, for many years, did not believe they were dead and tried to influence the lives of the living.

“The light”, as it is commonly referred to, appears to be the entry to a different dimension where the minds/auras of those who have passed-on seem to congregate. That’s where you can visit with your dead mother, father, grandparents, etc. Maybe that’s what’s called Heaven. Then, you go to what I call “the waiting place” where you wait to be reborn. See my blog on the “Before Mommy”.

It seems that those who do not have very many dead loved ones tend to get reborn more quickly. If someone dies a sudden or premature death, they may easily have predeceased their parents, etc. This explains the rapid re-birth of Shanti Devi, James Johnston or James McCready.

It seems that memories of young children are often the best when it comes to remembering a past life. As our brain matures it becomes filled with life experiences and learns ways to cope with life. This leaves less and less room in the brain for the memories of past lives. The brain never forgets, but it buries less used memories. Thus, almost all past lives (other than under hypnosis where the subject is first regressed to childhood) are best remembered by children.

Dead people who refuse to accept the fact that they are dead, hang around their favorite places on Earth and are called ghosts. A ghost will only disappear when it recognizes that he/she is dead and willingly goes into the light. Then…and only then can he/she wait to be re-born. Because their bodies are dead and buried, ghosts often appear to the living as shadows or orbs of light.

The reader’s question called for a very complex answer and I hope I’ve made it simple enough for all my readers to understand.

If you have any questions or experiences you’d like to share, please contact me at

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